She Runs program aims to boost the number of women in politics as sexism scandals swirl
Source: ABC News
In a Perth workshop, 23 women have been learning to run.
The women are fellows at a "campaign school" run by the not-for-profit group She Runs, aiming to equip them with all the skills they need to run for and thrive in office.
Their graduation from the program has come during a week of political scandal at both federal and state level, with accusations of sexism and cultures of intimidation.
She Runs co-founder and chair Martina Ucnikova said the news had only driven home how vital diversity in politics was.
"If there's one thing that stemmed out of it, it was that next year our organisation needs to go bigger and greater," she said.
Click here to read the full article published by ABC on 6 November 2020.

In a Perth workshop, 23 women have been learning to run.
The women are fellows at a "campaign school" run by the not-for-profit group She Runs, aiming to equip them with all the skills they need to run for and thrive in office.
Their graduation from the program has come during a week of political scandal at both federal and state level, with accusations of sexism and cultures of intimidation.
She Runs co-founder and chair Martina Ucnikova said the news had only driven home how vital diversity in politics was.
"If there's one thing that stemmed out of it, it was that next year our organisation needs to go bigger and greater," she said.
Click here to read the full article published by ABC on 6 November 2020.